Blockchain That Is Close to Home; A P2P Home Services App May Change the Gig Economy as We Know It

There are about 200 different projects and start-ups listed on various ICO announcement sites right now that are going through pre-sales. Pre-sale is a period when a blockchain-based project sells coins of tokens ahead of “the main event”, and participants usually receive a deal, a discount for starting early.

Many of the pre-sales are grouped by categories representing predominantly trading, investing, finance and gaming industries, with some exceptions. Not a single one falls into the category of “home services” or even services in general. Except for one.

Taskfair positions itself as a “decentralized, on demand home service platform with a mission to revolutionize the gig economy”. The company, which was started by a duo of entrepreneurs Pavel Popov and Vadim Volgin in 2016, has built its platform prototype for p2p ordering of handymen and home improvement specialists in the United States. Popov and Volgin are already thinking big – in a little over two years they want to launch the app and the service in 24 markets in North America, Europe, Asia and South America.

Popov and Volgin are proud of Taskfair, their beloved child. With Taskfair, anybody can turn to blockchain, they are saying, from your suburban housewife to your favorite electrician. They are convinced that projects, such as Taskfair, can popularize the blockchain, which was the mecca for only geeks and speculative investors some six months ago.

“This is how I think about it,” – Vadim Volgin is telling a story. “My brother owns a small air-conditioning business. One of his clients – a rich foreigner – ordered a system upgrade for 14,000 dollars. The deal had a 50 percent prepayment clause. Upon paying the 50 percent and getting his service, the guy disappeared without paying the rest. He left behind two parked cars that are worth about 200k, combined. Obviously, they can’t be touched – there is no simple mechanism of compensating for a contract loss – unless you go to court and you may get lucky. If this deal were to be done through Taskfair, then the customer would prepay the full amount into an escrow account and the service performer would receive his pay in full upon completion of services. This way both sides would have minimized their risks.”

The team at Taskfair takes time to explain the platform in details. It has three key components: an aggregator of content (ads about services), which has been extensively tested by engineers; an Ethereum-based smart contracts prototype, which is used for payments within the platform (currently being tested); and Steemit platform integration with the creation of a Home Improvement network – this social media network has the valuation of $250 million. Taskfair stresses that its team is using only top-level products and solutions, so that they can build a quality product for the home services market.

The smart contract platform Taskfair will be available for use anywhere in the world, as long as local laws allow it. Taskfair says it is not stopping at that. Popov and Volgin are currently working on integration of Taskfair as a plug-and-play solution for large home services and services on demand companies from around the world.

Pavel Popov & Vadim Volgin, co-founders, Taskfair

The post Blockchain That Is Close to Home; A P2P Home Services App May Change the Gig Economy as We Know It appeared first on Bitcoin Garden.


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