Fintech on the Block (FTOB) Speakers Name Crucial Trends in the Fintech Space

27-28 November 2018 in San Francisco, California. Event will include demos, networking and expert panels and discussions about the most crucial commercial developments and technical innovations in the field of FinTech and Blockchain. Check out the lineup of speakers; Early bird tickets now available.


Dillon Van Auken, Operations Lead at Monzo Bank

  • Higher Customer Expectations

The most successful Fintech companies will be those that are using technology to solve a real customer problem and far exceed expectations. Simply digitizing old business models will not be as successful long-term, instead it will be those that can drive a “wow factor” and drive user experience that is something new and far beyond existing expectations.

  • Transparency

Customers are increasingly invested not only in just the user experience, but also what goes on beyond the scenes at the business to bring this to them. This is something that Monzo really focuses on, and we try to involve our community as much as possible as we go about building our bank. We also see this to a large degree in much of the crypto space. Customers are much more keen on supporting a business that aligns with their own values and enjoy feeling more vested in the actual company and seeing that it has their interests at heart.

  • Cannibalization of Historical Supply Chains

Technology is enabling this in the Fintech space at a rapid rate and is removing the need for brick and mortar financial providers. This is further accelerated by the ease of partnerships between specialized Fintech companies, such as ours with Transferwise, that allow for providers to offer complementary services without building them out in-house.

  • Regulation’s clarity

Another trend is that we are getting a lot more clarity from the regulators. They are starting to cooperate a lot more. They are being helpful by giving rules, and I think we will see much more of it in the 2019 and on. And while you can argue that a lot of this is a part of fintech which is obviously why we are talking now, I still think there is a huge separation between fintech companies and cryptocurrency companies, and a big gap in there.

  • Creating a better Bitcoin

While a lot of projects are trying to challenge the original idea of bitcoin, bitcoin is still the most popular cryptocurrency out there and the most liquid. But there are technical issues that don’t allow it to scale, there is not a lot of desire to change bitcoin to help it scale, so we will see many cryptocurrencies coming along that are trying to do things that bitcoin can’t do. We see a number of startups in Silicon Valley that are working on that idea. For example, with bitcoin you can only do 5 transactions per second, and it’s very small comparing it to a credit card processor, so there should be way more transactions. Also, a lot of mining should be done and it requires a lot of energy which is not good for the environment. So we see a bunch of different companies that are trying to solve that problems for the cryptocurrency space.

Anatoly Kvitnitsky, VP of Growth at Trulioo

  • Verification via mobile phones

With emerging markets playing a key role in fintech growth, mobile phones are the catalyst for enabling a ubiquitous way to identify and verify all individuals. Emerging markets lack many of the traditional databases that developed markets have, such as credit bureaus. But more people have cell phones than credit files in those regions, helping developing countries to ‘leap frog’ its identity verification technology with the latest innovations.

  • Global Business verification

Global Business verification is the next phase for regtech and compliance. In today’s digital borderless world, businesses need to fully automate and digitize how they onboard their business clients without having employees manually doing it, which can take up to 4-6 weeks.

Chuck Wallace, CEO at HDVI (InsurTech)

  • Utilizing real-time data

Real-time data helps make decisions on how to underwrite and price the insurance for the asset; and  after the policy is in place, proactively manage the risk of the asset partnership with the insured, to lower the risk of loss.

The question for insurance companies now is how to use a wider variety of data (i.e. real-time data) about certain asset to better understand their risk. A hypothetical fleet of trucks whose drivers are trained to drive defensively could have that behavior recognized and their premiums reduced.

For example, Fitbit or Apple Watch and other connected devices that are associated with a given person/asset can provide information that is crucial for healthcare insurance companies.

A flow meter that is attached to the water helps measure how much water is going into a home and help identify a discrepancy between water going in the main, and water going out of the faucets. Leaks are the biggest cause of property damage, and analysis can help us identify them well before any obvious damage occurs.

  • Close work with the insured

Previously, one wouldn’t really interact with the insurance company, beyond requesting that a claim be covered. Now a dialogue can develop, where patterns of behavior can be encouraged that will protect their bottom line and the assets quality of life. Taking a gym class, driving in line with the law and avoiding excessive drinking are all behaviors that can be measured and rewarded. The future is that you buy the policy and communicate with your insurance company so they keep track of the risks. That is what is called Integrated risk management.

Daniel Cawrey, CEO at Pactum Capital

  • Gap between fintech and cryptocurrency worlds

There is a big gap between fintech and cryptocurrency blockchain world. Fintech companies are trying to use blockchain without cryptocurrency now, because there are so many regulatory issue. But the only use-case we see is cryptocurrencies on blockchain. So when fintech companies are talking about blockchain, it is just because it sounds good. I don’t think it’s going to change soon because there are no other real use cases for blockchain. In fact, many of solutions fintech companies are looking for when they are saying blockchain, is just database, not really blockchain.


Check out the lineup of speakers and get your early bird ticket at now.

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