
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2018

FlipNpik Announces Partnership with Atayen Inc,  Facebook iFrame Apps Developer

30th July, London, UK and Singapore, Singapore –  FlipNpik, the world’s first-of-its kind blockchain-based collaborative social media platform, which remunerates users for their social media engagements, is pleased to announce a partnership with American-French company, Atayen Inc. Specializing in the development of applications such as the iFrame apps, which is an all-in-one Facebook app suite to enhance businesses’ engagement of users, Atayen offers unique expertise in social media networks that will no doubt be beneficial to the FlipNpik platform and ecosystem. As part of the partnership, Atayen will register its over half-million merchants across the globe onto the FlipNpik platform. In addition, FlipNpik will embark on extensive marketing collaborations with Atayen to reach out to over one million users of Atayen. “The strategic alliance with Atayen will not only accelerate FlipNpik’s penetration of the global market and allow our users access to a huge selection of merchants w

Apollon - Memimpin transformasi industri pan-entertainment

Apollon merupakan project Blockchain yang memiliki tujuan untuk mendukung dan mengembangkan semua aplikasi bisnis yang berkaitan dengan teknologi infrastruktur blockchain yang menjadi dasarnya. Appolon sendiri memiliki visi “ aliran nilai bebas ” yang memungkinkan anggota atau pengguna platform APO menikmati teknologi blokchain. Apollon memungkinkan untuk teknologi interaksi lintas rantai untuk memungkinkan banyak blockchain yang berbeda agar terhubung dan melakukan komunikasi satu sama lain. Dengan melakukan integrasi berbagai sistem dapat berjalan   dan menyediakan proses data yang lebih efisien, aman, nyaman dan lebih stabil. Sistem blockchain yang dimiliki Apollon meungkinkan sejumlah data besar pada blockchain melakukan proses dengan cara paralel.  Visi Blockchain Apollon Apollon memiliki Visi bisnis yang menyediakan layanan infrastruktur blokchcain yang terpadu tingkat komersil. Keahlian grup dalam model bisnis terletak pada bidang berikut: 1. Sebuah konsep pasar

Digitising Timber with Blockchain and IoT to Modernie Energy and Manufacturing Sectors in Laos

Derun (Laos) Investment Trade Limited Corporation (Derun Laos) will utilise a custom technology suite developed by International Digital Asset Management (IDA) that integrates blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to manage a large-scale timber project in the Bolikhamxay Province, Laos. As part of the Renewable Energy Strategy Development (2011-2025), Derun Laos acquired the logging and processing rights for 9,400 hectares from the Provincial Government to clear-cut a reservoir flood basin to power the anticipated Nam Theun No. 1 Hydroelectric Dam. To increase the transparency, tracking management, utilisation, and value creation of the associated timber project, IDA is developing a custom application combining blockchain, AI, and IoT technologies optimised for the unique industry and site-specific challenges of the remote forest. Based on a comprehensive 5,500-hectare survey of flora diversity conducted by the Institute of Forestry Scienc

SophiaTX Launches Enterprise-Ready Public Blockchain

The flexible and scalable solution will serve as the foundation for new applications with specialized processes and modules for companies where peer to peer architecture and decentralization is desired and beneficial. SophiaTX successfully launched its mainnet with the primary purpose of creating a public blockchain with features and capabilities suitable for enterprise use. With its fast and secure blockchain, SophiaTX is projected to disrupt current business models by providing a truly decentralized enterprise ecosystem that enables companies to deliver efficiencies and better collaborate along the value chain. Since its inception in early 2017, SophiaTX was the first open source blockchain focusing on integrating blockchain with SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and other major ERP, CRM, and SCM systems. It offers significant value by using blockchain in a company’s operational and management processes to ensure maximum transparency, traceability, and trust. SophiaTX has previously announ

Tipping the Scales - BRAVO App Launches TGE to Fuel Global Expansion

BRAVO the Phoenix-based traditional payments application has announced a public Token Sale to raise funds, for global expansion, while integrating cryptocurrency payments and blockchain technology in order to reduce transaction costs and latency on the platform. The BRAVO app already supports tens of thousands of users in the United States who make instant, secure and anonymous payments digitally using fiat currencies. The company is now looking to enter the cryptocurrency market, with a real use-case, to exhibit the incredible potential that blockchain offers to customers and the entire payment sector. “User experience is a major barrier to adoption of cryptocurrency along with real world applications that people can actually use. This is where the BRAVO comes in, the app makes it really easy for anyone to pay or get paid using fiat, and will soon support cryptocurrency,” explains the CEO, Maria Luna. BRAVO was created by TechCrunch Alumni, Dr. Hector Rodriguez and Maria Luna, w

Saint Petersburg to host Blockchain Life 2018 on November 7-8

November 7-8, St. Petersburg will host the 2nd annual international forum on blockchain, cryptocurrency and mining Blockchain Life 2018 . 5000+ attendees 80 speakers 70 countries 120 booths The two-day forum/conference at the country’s leading venue Expoforum gathers 5,000 participants from more than 70 countries. Сrypto traders, the owners of ICO projects, leading private investors and crypto funds, entrepreneurs and blockchain experts, developers on the blockchain, the owners and representatives of global exchanges, and miners, – the event brings together industry professionals and those who are just starting their way in the crypto industry. Within the conference part, the leading experts of the Asian, US, European and CIS markets prepared their speeches. In the report, each speaker provides actual case studies on earnings, or experience in building a project in the most promising sector of today. Among the speakers: Sergei Khitrov ( , ), Ethan Ng (Hu

How to Choose the Best Cryptocurrency Exchange

There are hundreds of exchanges out there but choosing the best exchange is important. Continue reading and learn how to choose the best cryptocurrency exchange. There are many important factors that you must consider before you choose a cryptocurrency exchange. Considering the fact that there are hundreds of different exchanges and many popping up all over the world, it is important to choose the best cryptocurrency exchange. In this article, we will help you navigate through all of the considerations that should go into choosing the best cryptocurrency exchange for you. – Figure out the best cryptocurrency exchange for you – Filtering through the Exchanges Since there are hundreds of exchanges, the first thing you’ll have to do is eliminate the vast majority of them. It’s not realistic to go through each and every one of them individually. So most of the startups should be eliminated by default. You want your primary exchange to be a reputable exchange with some history behind it

Basic knowledge on blockchain in one day: Azerbaijan to host the first Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Baku

Blockchain is spreading along the planet: Smile-Expo, the organizer of forty successful events from the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference series, will hold the first conference in Baku . According to the organizers, their goal is not only to popularize blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICO in Azerbaijan, but also to provide businesspeople, lawyers, managers and marketers working in this field with useful tools to start with. The conference will feature speakers from Azerbaijan, the CIS countries and Europe. Participation has already been confirmed by four experts: Elnur Guliyev,; Orkhan Ahmad, Waves Platform; Sergey Lukashkin, VTB Bank; Maryam Taghiyeva, Centre for Citizenship Enterprise and Governance. Elnur Guliyev is a founder of the portal. The expert will tell about the digital technology market in Azerbaijan, as well as about cryptocurrency crowdfunding in the country. Orkhan Ahmad is a Local Community Manager at popular platform for b

BlockBeats – Where Blockchain Meets Reality

How do insurance companies, supply chains, governments, and banks stay connected in 2018? All are experiencing the repercussions of blockchain technology. Far beyond the hype of its first deployment as a cryptocurrency, blockchain is emerging into reality as the key technology, impacting numerous industries around the globe. Save the date of October 15-16 to discover the reality of blockchain at the BlockBeats 2018  Blockchain Conference in Munich. Together with over 60 industry experts including Alex Tapscott, Michael Casey, and Florian Glatz, we will discuss how to move blockchain projects from hype and prototypes to today’s reality. What can you expect? 60 speakers from industry-leading finance, logistics and insurance companies sharing their achievements on how they implement blockchain technology today; Over 40 exhibitors showcasing their latest blockchain applications in production, ready for business implementation; 1,300 visitors sharing the same passion as you; Solution

FlipNpik Raises $2 Million to Date in ICO Private Sale, Consolidates Partnerships for Expansion into Asia

FlipNpik’s unconventional democratic ICO private sale has already raised USD 2 Million, 4 days after opening it to the public. Notably, funds raised have come from a combination of cryptocurrency and fiat payments – a clear indication that the project is appealing to both the crypto and non-crypto communities. “We are very happy to help the larger community who may be new to cryptocurrencies break down the ‘crypto barrier’ by having one of the first fiat-based payment gateways to facilitate the purchase of tokens,” says Henri Harland, CEO of FlipNpik Worldwide. In the past month, the blockchain-based social media platform has also signed two significant partnerships in Asia, iFashion and Vexanium, as it continues its expansion into the competitive Asian markets. The partnership with Indonesian blockchain-based Vexanium will give FlipNpik access to their 3500-plus merchants and private database of 1 million-over users. With the Singapore-based iFashion Group, FlipNpik will have acc

Should ICO Listing Sites be Responsible for Fraud Prevention?

It’s been widely reported that 80% of ICOs in 2017 were scams. Do ICO listing sites have a responsibility to report on and prevent this fraud? ICO Listing, Fraud Prevention, and Personal Responsibility The time has come for ICO listing sites to decide what they want to be. Do they want to be the 21st century equivalent of the Yellow Pages, listing rote information and doomed to eventual obsolescence, or do they want to actually serve as a useful tool that the crypto community can trust? If you’re not old enough to remember using the Yellow Pages, you didn’t miss much. It was a big bulky book, and all it listed was the facts: business name, address, phone number. Businesses could pay for larger, advertisement-style listings to promote themselves. The Yellow Pages weren’t concerned with who was actually the best pizza restaurant in town, or if a pizza restaurant had a history of being shut down for health code violations. All they cared was that you were filed under P for Pizza and yo

Why community building is important for any startup at the early stage

A reliable and big community plays an essential part in the success of many business ventures, whether small or large, they can support the development of a project and help invest in it. Without the interest and involvement of a group of people ready to engage and support, startups would struggle to go beyond the first stages. As such, anyone ready to work on developing a project or/and company, needs to also look into generating an interest from the people outside of it and aim to create a compact community that will help bring that first idea to success. Doing so it’s not easy, hence why conferences with experts sharing knowledge and suggestions on how to take on this topic can be key events to attend for anyone interested in efficiently developing a project that will gain support and have a successful future. Upcoming event Unblock Community will focus on seeing the real meaning of community and delve into its true potential. Key speakers from all over the world, with experience

DECENT Finds Its Berlin Hackathon Winners

20,000 DCT and more were won at the latest of the Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon Series. DECENT , the company behind its proprietary blockchain platform, DCore , and creators of the highly successful mobile blockchain app store, ALAX , decided to pick Berlin, Germany as the second destination for its Blockchain Pioneers Hackathon, this time titled Blockchain4Good: Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities for the Future , after the successful May premiere in Bratislava. DECENT chose the capital of Germany, Berlin, which is nowadays known as the hub for blockchain – a young but bright star on the rise in the world of this progressive technology – and such rising technologies need constantly new ideas. The exposure comes in form of hackathons, sprint-like events for IT enthusiasts who compete to come up with the best creative projects. The event lasted two and a half days, from July 20-22. As for the location, DECENT partnered with Impact Hub Berlin, an immense co-working space. Together, they

War of Crypto Unveils an In-Game Cryptocurrency That Contains $600 USD Worth of Another Cryptocurrency

War of Crypto (WoC) a blockchain-based PvP multiplayer game for PC, Android, and iOS has just announced via Twitter that their most valuable in-game ERC-1155 token will be a character named Daagon that comes with a “Golden Potato Skin”. There will only be 10 copies of this hero, they will all contain 10,000 in Enjin Coin (ENJ) each, and they will be one of 11 rare Heroes available during WoC’s pre-sale. These heroes will be the first ERC-1155 tokens to ever go on sale, and the some of the first cryptocurrencies to be backed by another cryptocurrency, Enjin Coin. War of Crypto’s pre-sale of characters will begin on the 28 th of July and will offer a range of heroes and skins that will only be attainable through peer-to-peer markets, once the pre-sale has completed. “To certify the value of our pre-sale items, we’ve decided to back them with 300,000 Enjin Coin, valued at $30,000 at time of creation. This is the first time anyone has ever used cryptocurrency in this way,” said Lucille

The All-Star of Blockchain Events: Byzantium Presents Top10 Point of Trust

Barcelona welcomes quite an unusual blockchain event on October 11th this year. Ambitious Top10 Point of Trust conference revolves around ten companies that have shaped the industry. A panel of eminent speakers will deliver their TED-inspired speeches to an invite-only audience. The stage is for the trusted only Top10 Point of Trust provides an experience of a conceptually different blockchain conference for those tired of ICO pitching, pseudo-experts, aggressive sales and fraud. Only when the best people speak, the situation changes. These representatives, ideologists, seniors of top blockchain endeavors have nothing to sell, rather, they have plenty to share. They will tell stories about their thorny path, their vision, and the problems they had faced and solved before they have succeeded. In a historical money-making place It will all happen in iconic 14th century Casa Llotja de Mar, one of Barcelona’s most emblematic buildings, the former Sea Stock Exchange and the present Cha

Results of Blockchain Conference Georgia 2018

On June 20, for the first time, Tbilisi hosted Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Georgia organized by Smile-Expo , an international conference dedicated to blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICO. It brought together entrepreneurs, blockchain developers, investors, lawyers, bankers and public officers. The main issue covered during the event is the prospects of mining and blockchain in the digital economy of Georgia. Results of the event The conference was attended by 357 participants from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, the USA, Japan, Gibraltar, Saudi Arabia and Malta. The Association Blockchain Georgia and the Blockchain Association of Ukraine signed a Memorandum on Cooperation. The reports were presented by speakers from IBM, ZenCash, Aleinikov & Partners, Kuna Exchange, PwC. The conference was supported by the Georgian government: the Ministries of Justice, Economy, Finance, the national registry, the Agency for Innovation and Technolo