
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018

New opportunities are open for influencers

The consumption of digital content is growing day by day. That is why brands and companies increase their expenses on digital marketing. For ads, however, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach their goal and come under public notice. Users actively apply ad-blockers to hide annoying ads. According to the Statista data, ad blocking user penetration rate in the USA grew from 15.7% in 2014 to 27.5% in 2017. This figure is expected to rise to 30.1 percent in 2018. The Linqia’s report on the State of Influencer Marketing 2018 shows that 39% of marketers plan to increase influencer marketing budgets in 2018. It means that brands are looking for new ways to advertise their goods and services more and more recognizing the advantages of influencer marketing tools. The explosive growth in such social media as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter changed the marketing model and attracted a great number of advertisers. The brands and companies actively cooperate with influencers Introduces Revolutionary Blockchain Based TradeVerification Dapp

Zug, Switzerland, May 30, 2018 – announces the upcoming launch of an unprecedented ongoing airdrop campaign, which will enrich the portfolio of existing Trade Token (TIO) holders with potentially hundreds of different Alt Coins. With this campaign, any TIO holder is automatically qualified to benefit from ongoing token airdrops from high potential ICOs. Such ICOs have undergone an extensive vetting process by the experienced consulting team for AML processes, technical viability and longevity, and as a result have been verified as high potential projects by the company. targets to airdrop as many as 2 million tokens (sometimes more) per verified ICO, specifically to its TIO holders and to its loyal community. Clients who have already passed the strict vetting processes and who are in line to distribute their Alt Coins to the network include: TV-TWO, ICO Watchdog, INGOT Coin, DarcMatter, ZeroEdge. Another 50 ICOs are already in discussio

HUMENA™ Launches Revolutionary ICO Backed By Unified Crypto Ecosystem That Will Enable The Safe, Transparent & Easy Use Of Tokens In Any ICO Platform

The time is fast approaching for the launch of the most highly anticipated ICO of 2018. HUMENA Club introduces the HUMENA platform to promote synchronous meditation, prayer, and entertainment to amplify human performance and promote mental & physical wellness. HUMENA Club made headlines once again this week with the announcement that they will be integrating their Patent-Pending technology, known as IFCC (InForce Crypto Circle) into the HUMENA platform. This new Patent-Pending technology is owned by HUMENA and is used to organize the “Seller-Buyer Servicer” IT infrastructure environment (Crypto Ecosystem) and run it with superfast private blockchain and Crypto tokens. HUMENA is a Blockchain enabled platform for synchronous meditation and prayer to amplify human performance and promote psychological & bodily wellness. HUMENA is also an enabling service company for a large assortment of corporations and religious teams who have millions of followers. Last month, HUMENA Group

LifeTask: How to choose a profession by vocation

Work is an important part of our life. According to research, job satisfaction makes us healthier and more creative, brings a sense of power and long-term happiness. When it comes to job hunting, there has been an interesting demand lately: candidates do not just look for a job that will allow them to pay their bills. They look for one that will let them fully unfold themselves, grow as a professional and fulfill their potential. It is a precious feeling to wake up energized and inspired every morning, and many people strive for it. What is a vocation? It is a voice that comes from the inside, telling us what we were made for. Now, in the age of information and opportunities, it is the perfect time to listen to it. The rules in the job industry have changed. We do not have to work in the same position or even field for all our life anymore – instead, we can follow our greatest interests and try new things. There is plenty of available information both online and offline: various cour

TaaS partners with OSA DC To Build Global Smart Consumer Platform

Token-as-a-Service (TaaS), the world’s first tokenized closed-end fund dedicated to blockchain assets, has entered into a partnership with OSA DC, a tokenized AI and blockchain solution for the retail and supply chain industries with an ambition to build the largest global  consumer retail community. As a closed-end fund, TaaS is dedicated to the development and enrichment of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The service features a smart-contract profit sharing model that awards TAAS token holders with shares of its capital fund gains, a cryptocurrency fund managed by a team of TaaS traders and investors. In addition to this capital fund profit sharing, the service contributes to and invests in promising blockchain projects, and it also serves as an advisory arm for rising stars in the industry to help them accomplish their long-term business development goals. TaaS first took interest in OSA DC through the D10E conference series. The series brings together hundreds of decentralized and

TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference?

Once a blockchain startup takes off, it follows the goal to raise money for further development. Luckily, since 2017 there is a tool for crowdinvesting in new crypto businesses named ICO (Initial Coin Offering). What’s going on during ICO, is the following: a startup, looking for funding, issues digital tokens. Tokens are available for purchasing during ICO by every person in the market. Once you buy the token, you are the only owner of it and can sell, keep or withdraw it as you like. No governmental regulations may restrict the process. In January — March 2018, there was raised about $6.3 bln via different ICOs. This amount already exceeds last year. It means the interest to ICO is growing, and every young business is looking forward to it. Let’s see what ICO is like for some start-ups. ICO #1 — Spectrecoin saves your budget making transactions anonymously ICO date: November 18th, 2016 — January 6th, 2017 Cryptocurrency: XSPEC Raised amount: $20K Spectrecoin is one of 5 the

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Georgia 2018: Mining, Crypto Business and Regulation in Georgia

On June 20, Tbilisi will host the main crypto event of Georgia – Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Georgia 2018. Participants and partners of the event are founders and promoters of the blockchain industry in the country. Program and partners The conference will feature Georgian and foreign crypto experts: entrepreneurs, investors, founders of blockchain companies, developers, representatives of state authorities, lawyers and economists. Partners of the event are founders of blockchain industry in Georgia: Association Blockchain Georgia, Bitcoin Embassy Georgia and Blockchain Systems Institute. These organizations became the most active propagandists of blockchain and digital assets in the country. Guests will enjoy discussions on topical issues: specifics of mining in Georgia, state regulation and state administration, prospects of ICO holding in the country. Exhibition area will include well-known companies representing the international blockchain industry: suppliers of mini

23rd May 2018 “Tokenomics” conference by in Tallinn Technological University

Gambar first crypto conference took place in Tallinn Technological University May 23rd. Tokenomics Conference gave a place for 9 hours of top lectures and discussions focused on token economics, new regulations in different regions and ICO market development by more than 30 speakers from different countries. More than 150 experts, entrepreneurs and investors came from all over the world to discuss hot questions of blockchain industry and perspectives of market tokenisation. University space created work-focused atmosphere and helped the audience to stay focused on the topic for quite a long time and stay productive till the late evening and afterparty time. Second day hosted closed investors meet up with the best projects attending the conference. More then 70 private face-to-face pitches happened, more then 30 more are to be done in the nearest week. The next investors meet up is to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania June 14th, feel free to apply to Maria Spiring ms@iskander.v

Chainges Aftermath: The home of blockchain industry

Chainges was a one great event that surely set new standards for cryptocurrency and blockchain industry conferences. Everything from the venue to agenda was a mix of design, dedication and innovation. Amsterdam city may be very proud of hosting such an event. For the last weekend it surely became the capital of blockchain industry. How did it look like? The gates opened at 9:30, during beautiful Friday morning. De Kromhouthal is a great industrial venue in the very heart of Amsterdam. Inside, after registration could have been found a nice, well-designed interior with expo section. Right there all partners were stationed, each in its own booth, perfectly visible for all attendants. Expo area gave everyone attending Chainges a chance to meet exhibiting projects and talk to their creators. What is even more important, the area was designed to make every project equal – no special areas, no additional constructions – same design for everyone with customizable branding! Open arrangement

DECENT’s First Hackathon Introduced Great Ideas

With all the “buzz” around blockchain technology these days, businesses are pushing hard to enter the space and even harder to obtain a viable, real-world ready product. Blockchain is still in the early stages of adoption, mostly driven by startups, although some large companies like IBM, Walmart and Visa have opened research and development operations and are starting to get their feet wet in the innovative tech as well. Even still, we have yet to see many real-world use cases or actual products using blockchain technology. However, this might change very soon due to a new phenomenon pumping life into accelerated production and developmental efforts, called “hackathons”. The term is a portmanteau of “hack” and “marathon” (hack as in diving into progressing technologies, not as a criminal act, and marathon as in an endurance style event since they usually last only 1 or 2 days without many breaks). This kind of creative challenge is a powerful way of getting ideas and projects off th

AnApp IOTW – The Future of Blockchain in IOT

AnApp is attempting to solve PoW and PoS mining algorithms with an innovative “Proof of Assignment” protocol. Let’s face a simple fact; blockchain solutions that exist today are struggling to implement the technology with internet connected devices, period.  Most existing blockchain platforms that have a significant reliance on the reliance of Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithms share a common problem; they are heavy weight and require large memory space. Amongst millions of Internet-connected devices out there, when they connect and share data on these platforms, the data is not adequately utilized. First IOT devices require micro-transaction, which existing PoW solutions cannot provide. Second, most IoT devices only have limited computational power so they normally cannot run on traditional blockchain software that consumes a vast amount of power. IOTW endeavors to resolve these bottlenecks and reward IOT devices for sharing data and engaging in micro-mining.

The biggest Europe Blockchain and Cryptocurrency conference

9 July 2018 will take place the Cryptospace Berlin , which will gather more than 1200 participants and 30 speakers from around the world. 1st Cryptospace conference took place in Moscow on December, 8, 2017 with more than 3 000 delegates. It was the biggest crypto and blockchain event in Russia in 2017. What is CryptoSpace Berlin? CryptoSpace Berlin is the largest European event where you’ll meet with the leading authorities in the field of blockchain! We’ll bring you into the opportunities and benefits of blockchain, cybersecurity, regulation at the state level and the most important updates in the sphere. This is a community of the representatives of large and medium-size businesses that are already working with blockchain technologies. You’ll hear from the experts about the pitfalls they’ve experienced so as to avoid the same mistakes. We can’t keep silent about the representatives of government who will let you in the latest news about the use of blockchain on the state leve

Creativechain, the platform that distributes cryptocurrency to artists and creatives

Imagine a social network like Instagram, Behance or Vimeo, without intermediaries, without registration, totally p2p and where users can interact directly with their followers by sharing content with various copyright licenses, also applying all the benefits that Blockchain technology brings. This is the proposal of Creativechain for creative communities. Creativechain escapes from the centralized systems that use the current social networks like Facebook or Instagram, in which the data of its users (often without them knowing) are sold to third parties for purposes beyond their control. Lately, the social network of Zuckerberg, has been involved in several scandals related to this problem using its database as a bargaining chip for actions of dubious legitimacy. The Creativechain platform aims to benefit artists and creatives who join their community by offering them cryptocurrency thanks to several reward systems. On the one hand, users receive an amount of cryptocurrency simply

TokensGate Enters Private Pre-Sale Stage – Introduces Blockchain Based Investment Platform That Instantly Creates A New Paradigm In The Global Investment Sector

Revolutionary blockchain investing concept enables global investors to support blockchain-based startups that were once only available to the tech-savvy rich and famous. It is no secret that those investors that were savvy enough to invest in Bitcoin when it first hit the world stage made a fortune in a short amount of time and can still do so. The same is true when the Ethereum Based Ether, or ETH, was created. Now by far the most utilized crypto platform is Ethereum, being the choice of cryptocurrency for the majority of new Initial Coin Offerings, aka ICO. In the early days of crypto investing, people with vast financial resources were able to pick and choose which ICO’s to participate in. They also obtained the best discounts due to the size of their investments. All that is changed with the introduction of the TokensGate Blockchain Investment Platform . There is now a level playing field thanks to this Ethereum based investment platform. Investors are no longer required to come

CloakCoin Announces Strategic Partnership with Crypto Playhouse

CloakCoin , a proof-of-stake based privacy cryptocurrency, today announces a strategic partnership with Crypto Playhouse, a widely-followed social media influencer group with strong backgrounds in blockchain tech, trading and viral marketing. “We are excited to join forces with Crypto Playhouse. With their knowledge of crypto, trading and marketing, we believe we have a strong partner by our side. This collaboration will help us unleash the full potential of our social media marketing strategy for the future, which will attract the attention of both old and new crypto enthusiasts alike,” says Harry Sidiropoulos (alias sidi25), Marketing & PR Lead for CloakCoin The partnership involves the creation and overarching distribution of a wide variety of content across traditional channels like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, as well as more crypto-related, decentralized media outlets such as Steemit and Dtube. Chief Executive Officer of Crypto Playhouse Dan Alvarez adds, “To accele

5 Things You Need to Know About DAOs

If you’ve spent a considerable amount of time in the crypto industry and you’ve done your research, you’ve probably already heard of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). However, despite the hype, most people still don’t have a complete grasp on what they are – and, more importantly, what they can be used for, and how they could vastly improve our efficiency in the near future. We’re living in a very exciting time for technological innovation. Organizations like DAOstack are already coming up with solutions that could make DAOs mainstream within the next few years. So, let’s break down the main things you should know about DAOs. 1 – DAOs are business vehicles that operate through smart contracts. The idea behind a DAO is that it acts as a self-governing organization that is controlled by an incorruptible set of rules. The purpose of a DAO is largely to eliminate the involvement of third parties – also known as ‘middlemen’ – in financial transactions in order to improve

Transformation of education in post-industrial society

Education has always been an expensive privilege; and the education sector has always been one of the most conservative. People chose profession once in their life and did not change it until retirement. Usually education meant studying at a university; self-taught people were rare. However, in the post-industrial society changes in the shape, sense and affordability of education finally began. According to Alvin Toffler, a well-known US sociologist, the emergence of the post-industrial society is a consequence of the intellectual revolution. The possession of knowledge and information will replace financial capital as the biggest value. Development of innovations, empowered by the most educated, will become the most important sector of economy. It means that high-quality affordable education will become even more important than now. The last time when the global education experienced a serious transformation was at the very beginning of the 21st century when the wide access to the I